

The price includes a visit to the museum. Discounts are provided for students, people with disabilities and retirees. The choice of category is made when purchasing a ticket on the website. Also, tickets can be purchased at the box office (tel. 52-40-30).

Daily excursion

Acquaintance with the Immanuel Kant Museum

The history of Koenigsberg is unthinkable without the great philosopher who spent his whole life here. Therefore, in the Immanuel Kant Museum, two lines - the city and the ancestor of German philosophy - are intertwined. You will learn and see what Koenigsberg looked like before the destruction of World War II, where Kant's house stood, what routes he walked, what daily routine he preferred. Kant's oath to the Russian Empire may come as a surprise to you. And the authentic fragments of the clock from the tower of the Cathedral will undoubtedly cause awe. Just imagine how old they are! VIDEO
  • Daily
  • 12:00 / 15:00 / 17:00
  • 45 minutes
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Daily excursion

Acquaintance with the organ hall, behind the altar space and an organ mini concert

A rare opportunity to see a hall with two unique organs, to get into the former princely tomb, to see the restored epitaphs dedicated to the famous Koenigsbergers. The tour ends with an organ mini-concert. On it you will hear both well-known works and rare works by composers who were also known as outstanding organists of their time. The beauty and grandeur of the music of different millennia, from the baroque to the present, from Germany, France and Italy to Argentina will inspire everyone.VIDEO
  • Daily
  • 13:00
  • 1 hour 45 minutes
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Author's excursion

Visit to the Immanuel Kant Museum

You can get acquainted with the exposition of the Immanuel Kant Museum without a tour any day, at any time from 10 am to 7 pm.
The history of Koenigsberg and the personality of his son, the great philosopher Immanuel Kant will appear before every visitor. You will find many signs of the old city, the Cathedral and its surroundings. You know that Kneiphof looked completely different before the war, right? If not, you can accurately imagine all its streets just by looking at the layout of Koenigsberg, which the master has been making by hand for several years.
The beginning of the visit to the museum is possible no later than 18 hours 30 minutes. You can look behind the door right now here: VIDEO
  • Daily
  • 10:00
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Author's project

Visiting the organ master

What does the organ look like from the inside and what does the custodian do? What are the pipes and what is "registration"? Why are there monitors above the keys, and why should the organist's shoes be an extension of the foot? This and much more you can learn at the lecture-concert of the titular organist of the Cathedral Mansur Yusupov. The project "Visiting an organ master" is that rare case when the listeners are offered to get up from the hall and become even closer to the music. In the truest sense of the word. VIDEO
Author: Mansur Yusupov
Titular organist
  • Thursday
  • 16:00
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
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Author's project

Organ. Initiation

At the author's program of the titular organist of the Cathedral Evgeny Avramenko "Organ. Initiation into a Secret" we can get acquainted not only with the history of the instrument, find out where the smallest organ in the region is located and how many there are in Russia. We can go inside a large organ, see how everything works, chat with the custodian. The lecture-concert is accompanied by rare archival photographs, and the audience travels in time and space - from the choir organ to the balcony, to the instrument, which has over 6,000 pipes and is usually not available for close acquaintance. All in order to see the man-made miracle - the miracle of the birth of music. VIDEO
Author: Evgeny Avramenko
Titular organist
  • Tuesday
  • 16:00
  • 1 hour 15 minute
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Author's excursion

Cathedral: hidden signs and secret doors

The only excursion in the Cathedral, during which you can find yourself on the other side of the exhibition space, at the very heart of the Gothic monument, climb the medieval spiral staircase and, possibly, look at the roof. Its author is Vladimir Chilikin, an artist of the Cathedral. The altar space, the concert hall, museum halls and the Wallenrodt Library - on a tour you can see all the public spaces of the Cathedral, and ... Go where visitors were not invited until recently - to the artist's studio. VIDEO
Author: Vladimir Chilikin
Cathedral painter
  • Monday, Wednesday
  • 16:00
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
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Author's excursion

A sage from the city of K

Just about the complex. To get acquainted with Immanuel Kant at the age of 9 - this is possible on a new excursion in the Cathedral. Little visitors to the Immanuel Kant Museum will learn a little about the life of the great philosopher, his habits and hobbies, way of thinking and discoveries. The tour is intended for children aged 9-12 and is conducted for a group of up to 15 people.
  • Saturday
  • 16:00
  • 45 minutes
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Author's excursion

Kant and his world`s city

It is absolutely impossible to imagine Koenigsberg-Kaliningrad without Kant, but what about Kant without Koenigsberg? What do you think? The guide Olga Sholmova will invite all guests of the excursion to connect attentiveness and imagination and make a Journey into the world of Kant - space and time filled with events that influenced the fate of the "Great Son of Koenigsberg". We learn his routes, cute quirks and the first philosophical axioms. Together we will touch the world of thought of a man and a scientist, who in world philosophy is compared only with Aristotle. VIDEO
Author: Olga Sholmova
  • Sunday
  • 16:00
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
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Author's excursion

Looking for Kant

What do we still not know about Kant? Where, if not in the cathedral, to talk about this great personality? The history of the city, the fate of the Cathedral, the secret of the philosopher's name, the secret of his longevity and the paradoxes of thinking will come together in the author's excursion by Victoria Kurbatova. Immanuel will appear before us not only as a philosopher, but as a disciplined person who went out at home at a strictly defined time, walked along the same route, did not have dinner and did not really like to communicate with people. However, he always acted for their benefit both in his work and in teaching. VIDEO
Author: Victoria Kurbatova
  • Friday
  • 16:00
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
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  • 15:00 / 17:00
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Author's excursion

Time Tram

Tour of the historic center by tram equipped with LCD TVs and audio guide. It begins with an organ mini-concert in the Cathedral. After the concert, tram passengers can watch the city for an hour, comparing the views that open from the windows with photographs of historical buildings on the screen. At the stop at the Royal Castle, participants have the chance to see the courtyard with their own eyes using virtual reality glasses.
  • Sunday
  • 14:00
  • 2 hours 20 minutes
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Author's excursion

Kant Island: Through Time

During the 45-minute tour "Through Time" the difference between the virtual and real world is not felt. Walking around the island of Kant in virtual reality glasses, you make 5 stops along the pre-war Koenigsberg. The architecture is fully consistent with the historical prototypes of the 19th century. He raised his head - you look at the virtual sky, lowered - you look at the non-existent paving stones. Panoramic soundtrack enhances the effect.  By the end, you can completely stop understanding which of the worlds you are in. You can order a tour at any time - for this you do not need to gather a group of people. You can watch it in action here: VIDEO 
  • Daily
  • 17:00
  • 45 minutes
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Custom Services

It is possible to provide custom events at the Kant Museum.